So first you need your denominators to be the same so you can multiply. They share a common denominator of 24. 2/3 equals 16/24 and 2/8 equals 9/24. So now you need to turn your fractions into mixed numbers and multiply. Which equals 2112/576. That # is way to big so then you simplify and get 11/3. so now you have 5 and 1/6 divided by 11/3. So now just flip the second fraction multiply it by its reciprocal. 31/6 X 3/11=___. So your final answer is 1 and 9/22
To answer let e be the amount of Dexter's earning. From the given conditions, it is implied that this value should be equal or more than $50. Further, this amount should also be less than or equal to $100. Mathematically, this can be expressed as,
50 ≤ e ≤ 100
The answer is letter D.
The formula for a cylinder is 3.14*r^2*h but if you don't round to the nearest tenth the the answer is 197.82034.
Step-by-step explanation:Step one mutiply 3^2=9, Step two mutiply 3.14*
9=28.26, Step three mutiply 28.26*7=197.82.But if you round 197.82034 to the nearest tenth which is moving one decimal place to the right you'll will get 197.8.