There are lots of animals that do this and they are classified as herbivores.
Helps to reduce pollution in a community
In fixation, the first stage of the Calvin cycle, light-independent reactions are initiated; CO2 is fixed from an inorganic to an organic molecule. In the second stage, ATP and NADPH are used to reduce 3-PGA into G3P; then ATP and NADPH are converted to ADP and NADP +, respectively.
Can please provide the options.
41 chromosomes
Cats have a dipoid chromosome number of 38, <u>so their gametes will have half that number: an haploid number of 19 chromosomes</u>.
Rabbits have a dipoid chromosome number of 44, <u>so their gametes will have an haploid number of 22 chromosomes</u>.
When a cat gamete (n=19) joins with a rabbit gamete (n=22) to form the hybrid zygote, it will have 19+22=41 chromosomes. When it undergoes mitotic division, all its somatic cells will have 41 chromosomes.