Supreme Court, congress and president
The Northern states enjoyed increasing political representation and power born from rapid population growth. Because of the South’s investment in agriculture any attack on slavery, which was witnessed in the North, was an attack on Southern economy itself. Webster viewed slavery as a matter of historical reality rather than moral principle. Congress had prohibited slavery in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and divided regions into slave and free in the 1820 Missouri Compromise. Slavery where it existed could not be eradicated but it could not also take root in the newly acquired agriculturally barren lands on the southwest.
The major purpose of the Proclamation of 1763 was to maintain good relations between the British and the Native Americans. We can also speculate that a secondary purpose was to exert British control over the colonists. Neither purposewas achieved to any great degree.
45 people have been the president
Westernization is when the western culture was adopted by the immigrants and southernization is when the southern culture is adopted by immigrants