The ones in red I’m not really sure about but fit the best. Hopefully you have a textbook you can refer back to.
Answer: Albany Plan
The Albany Plan of Union was one of many attempts to unify the colonies under one government. It was created by Benjamin Franklin, then delegate of Pennsylvania, at the Albany Congress on July 10, 1754 in Albany, New York.
The Plan called for a general government that was to be administered by a President General that was appointed by the Crown and a Grand council of delegates nominated by the colonial assemblies, roughly to match colony size. Each colony, however, would only have one vote and decision making would be by unanimous consensus.
Copies of the Plan were sent to the Colonial Assemblies and the Board of Trade in London, however, they both rejected the Plan.
The first two battles were the Battles of Lexington and Concord, fought on April 19, 1775 and they were located in Massachusetts.
After a 36-year rule, Franco died in 1975. He restored the monarchy before his death, which made King Juan Carlos I his successor, who led the Spanish transition to democracy. After a referendum, a new constitution was adopted, which effectively created a democratic regime in Spain.