The answer is: [C]: New Zealand.
Note: the key world is "primarily".
Australasia consists PRIMARILY of Australia and New Zealand.
Studying geography helps us to have an awareness of a place. All places and spaces have a history behind them, shaped by humans, earth, and climate. Studying geography gives a meaning and awareness to places and spaces. It also helps students with spatial awareness on the globe. That’s why you should study geography.
These countries are found all over the world.
Russia is in Asia.
Canada is in North America.
China is in Asia.
US is in North America.
Brazil is in South America.
Australia is in Oceania.
India is in Asia.
Argentina is in South America.
Kazakhstan is in Asia.
Sudan is in Africa.
South Africa is in Africa.
Japan is in Asia.
Germany is in Europe.
UK is in Europe.
Jamaica is in North America (or the Caribbean)
C. Tectonic Plate Theory
The Tectonic plate theory says that the crust is broken into multiple different tectonic plates that move across the surface of the upper mantle.
The Neolithic revolution was the first agricultural revolution. It was a gradual change from nomadic hunting and gathering communities and bands to agriculture and settlement. This period is described as a "revolution" because it changed the way of life of communities which made the change. It occurred in different prehistoric human societies at different times. Many societies changed 9–7 thousand years ago.
The term refers to the general time period over which these developments took place. It also applies to the changes which took place: the adoption of early farming techniques, crop cultivation, and the domestication of animals. The Neolithic Revolution is important for developments in social organization and technology.
The Neolithic revolution led to living in permanent or semi-permanent settlements. Because of this fewer people led a nomadic lifestyle. To be able to know who the crops grown belonged to, the concept of land ownership was developed. The natural environment was changed, population densities grew, and people ate more vegetable and cereal foods in their diet. Hierarchies developed in society. Grain was stored, and could be traded. Surplus production from good crop yields helped societies survive bad years.