William Wordsworth. Brief Summary. “A Complaint” tackles the loss or separation of a relationship, though it is contextually implied that it is the end of a friendship. The speaker laments the positive memories he has from the friendship, by comparison to the loss and emptiness he now feels.
A simile will always use either the word "like" or "as" to create a comparison. It's important not to mistake the statement for a metaphor, which is a comparison that typically uses words such as "is" to connect the two topics or objects.
The structure and purpose of each branch was devised so as to assure checks and balances, which provide another way of limiting government power
Federalism, the sharing of powers between the states and the national government, is one of the most important structural features of the United States constitutional order. Properly arranged, the national government will secure the rights of the people.
very bad english first what you can do is