The U.S.A. taxpayers (in the case of U.S.A. representatives and senators, that is).
The forms of logic required by Piagetian tasks are heavily influenced by training, context and cultural conditions.
Most of the cross-cultural studies regarding Piaget's theory are similar, centering on the idea that an individual's operational development is highly influenced by various cultural conditions.
Piagetian tasks are used to measure an individual's cognitive development, primarily children and adolescents. These require a certain logic which, according to the cross-cultural research, do get influenced by training and the child's context since those factors help develop the child.
Answer: Freedom of expression/speech.
Licence plate was a source of free speech controversy especially the Wooley VS Maynard case. This led to license amendments on the basis that Individuals should be able to express themselves sticking to their religious, cultural or political beliefs.
the star dust crusaders went to egypt to stop dio