Heat transfer means heat energy is transferred from on object or a body to another. This causes change in many factors, and temperature is one of such factors. If the temperature increases, it means heating is taking place and if temperature decreases it means cooling is taking place.
If Tfinal is more than Tinitial, it means the object has gained some amount of heat energy. Therefore, heating is taking place.
If Tfinal is less that Tinitial, it means the object has lost some heat energy and cooling is taking place.
What impact do the available amounts of energy, water, and oxygen have on an ecosystem? They act as limiting factors. ... increasing the biodiversity of the ecosystem.
False, all plants cells have cell membrane, in addition most of them have also cell wall. They have both
This particular organism lives in an environment that is rich in organic material, particularly amino acids and proteins. Also the organism has low amount of amino acid biosynthesizing genes and relatively higher amount of peptide transporters.