I can :) just comment lol
lol you are awesome but to break it down for you a circuit inter-putter is is a plug in the is on the floor i have 2 of these in my home. i hope this helps you Mr. w t fer lol hahahaha XD
The code:
# Import math Library
import math
# Print the value of 2pi
print (math.pi * 2) ## output would be: 6.28318530718
b. Prototype-based
In clustering, certain methods are used to identify groups. This identifies groups of similar objects in a multivariate sets of data which is collected from different fields.
Shared-property clusters shares some property.
Hierarchical cluster builds a hierarchy.
Density-based identifies clusters in a data. While the prototype based sents observation to nearest prototype.
Are you looking for the abbreviation if so it is FPS