The answer to number 2 is ' as the price of a good rises...products' and the answer to number 3 is Calculator and Cell Phone.
Answer:we all face similar issues or similar problems irrespective of whether it is a heterosexuals or homosexuals relationship.
Explanation:For example both relationship may face communication issues in which one is unable to understand the other person due to some personal reasons and they may be a fight due to miscommunications.
They also may be fights caused by social networks where the other partner doesn't like the messages they may be finding in their partners phone ; this will happen on both relationship.
So at the end of the day since we are all two different human beings that come together to form a relationship , they will always be similarities in the problems we face irrespective of whether it is a homosexual's or heterosexual's relationship.
Neuroticism: In psychology, the term neuroticism is defined as one of the personality traits in the theory Big-Five personality traits which include a total of five different dimensions of personality traits.
An individual who is experiencing neuroticism tends to be moody more than the average people and therefore experiences feelings like worry, frustration, anxiety, depressed mood, jealousy, loneliness, etc.
In the question above, the given statement signifies neuroticism.
Answer:It is India
Explanation: There is one ideology that I have frequently noticed in my surrounding that there are many of us who are not overjoyed or gratified by our country’s historical past. The notion of ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ at present isn’t to show welcoming gesture to any guest(white foreigners), rather it’s merely a role play of our inferiority complex over our brown skin. Or maybe it’s because our ancestors got so ingrained with European imperialistic idea of assuming the god given responsibility of civilizing the savage Indians that we forgot what we had was far more superior than what they possessed. Why would the Britishers’ ‘Divide and Rule’ policy not work in country which is already divided on the grounds of religion, caste and class. Perhaps our ancient rulers were way too busy to get over their personal grudges and fight the common intruder. Or they underestimated themselves. One probably have to time travel to understand the exact cause of such majestic wealth of India. Since it is yet to be invented, lets look at the following reports that reflects on the past richness of India.
There are two types of judicial proceedings in the federal courts that use juries.
Criminal trial: An individual is accused of committing a crime that is considered against society as a whole. Twelve people, and alternates, make up a criminal jury. A unanimous decision must be reached before a defendant is found “guilty.” The government must prove the crime was committed “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Guilty pleas and plea negotiations reduce the need for juries in criminal cases.
Civil trial: Litigants seek remedies for private wrongs that don’t necessarily have a broader social impact. At least six people make up a civil jury. The jury must come to a unanimous decision unless specified otherwise. The standard of proof is a “preponderance of the evidence,” or “more true than not.”
Settlement negotiations reduce the need for juries in civil cases.