Chie is a matriarch figure, such symbol who can rule a society in which the power passes and vested from mother to daughter.
We know that Chie is a Japanese of samurai descent. She is raised with some samurai trainings. We can conclude that she is strong, brave, brilliant and independent.
However, Chie’s daughter, Etsuko was raised by a farming family but moves to America as a young bride. Her child adopts the perspective of an American concerning individual's choice.
Generations negotiate their identities in terms of each other and their society. These generations portray distinctive and useful method for constructing autonomy.
The economy of India was transformed by the British in several ways, but perhaps the greatest way was that they transformed into a market economy with government oversight.
The writers of the Declaration of Independance believed that a government's power comes from the people.
Research scientists used a standard practice called the scientific method to help them understand phenomena.