<span>The main trade-off that all investors must consider is Risk vs Return
In the end, all the techniques that implemented in investing process is aimed for nothing other than profit.
Current market trend dictates that potential return tend to be higher the riskier the investment is and vice versa.
Well, I think that maybe the answer is B or C. She shouldn't only look at her presentation while she is presenting it, that doesn't look professional, and you want to look at the people you are talking to.
The correct option is;
Content controls
Content controls are customizable controls that can be added to forms, templates and document that enable users to identify or preview the expected data that fills a given form field
Content controls can be in the form of instructional text that give users an idea of the expected format of the content of a given form field, such that the text disappears as soon as the user starts typing in their own text.
If the pings are successful you are either on the same subnet and everything is configured correctly or ICMP echo is enabled on the router which it should be by default internally. Externally, ICMP can/should be disabled to avoid DOS attacks.
False. bool is in C++, ints are used in C.