Race is an outdated concept that saw its most prominent day at the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century and its was the scientific justification for many racist practices. Nowadays it is a debunked concept that current science has shown flawed: it is proven that humanity is one single race with phenotypic differences that do not make up different races. What used to be considered different races are now considered merely different ethnic groups or populations (the first focuses on cultural traits and the latter on geographical coordinates).
This is referring to the founding of Israel. Your curriculum probably had this in the section about the Holocaust, rather than having it either in the sections about the effects/aftermath of WWII or the founding of the United Nations.
Because of the Catholic Church's influence on politics and commerce, several kings saw a chance to usurp the Church's authority by defying the pope. Protestants broke from the Catholic Church as a result, causing a rift in the Christian community.