From 1524-1525, then again from 1526-1528, he sailed with Almagro and a priest, Hernando de Luque, on voyages of discovery and conquest down the west coast of South America.
Throughout the clarification segment elsewhere here, the definition including its concern is mentioned.
- Through me, the demand for amounts of unhealthy food seems to be inelastic in terms of costs. I acknowledge that as the cost goes up, consumers will consume less junk food, but perhaps the decrease in the supply is lower than that of the rising rise. It might be because, already though, substitutes for junk foods, particularly across the Us, are challenging to find. Unhealthy food is just the shortest and simplest meal to consume.
- The reasoning here seems to be that every customer would have to purchase food even though the price rises by 1%, so consumption will still decrease by somewhere around 1%. So perhaps we can assume that quality does not influence quantities throughout the Junk Food industry.
- The reduction of excess baggage would be small since it is inelastic. This symbolizes the corporation's low incompetence and as the cost is changed, the market for quantities is approximately the same, not so much impact.
- I thought taxing junk foods, especially to maximize welfare spending, is a smart option. But obesity over here Is not going to help. The incorrect method for combating obesity as well as making our diets balanced is taxes. The irony is that all clients are impacted by taxes regardless of their weight status. The impact of food taxes is unclear and may result in the replacement of items that may comprise of calories that seem to be equivalent or higher.
The correct answer is Increased support for social reform in spite of regional resistance. Some of the social reform included public school for children; Declaration of Rights of the Women of the United States with the Suffrage movement; also the religious reform was important for the profound social reform.
<em>Declining political participation as a result of the Enlightenment</em> is wrong because democracy was broadened in early 1800, till then only Kentucky and Tennessee could elect and only white men and wealthy could vote, around 1820 eight states were participating in elections and other groups as free-men could vote, later with the ratification of the U.S. Constitution and the 15th Amendment African-Americans and women were also allowed to vote.
This answer is wrong<em> Significant increase in protections for American Indians through new treaties</em>. Around this period many American Indians went to war to protect their land from the white invasions and expansion, many Indians were killed by the whites. Even there were around 368 treats between US government and American Indians from 1776-1886 most of the treaties were about land, but these treaties required the Indians to cede their lands, others to give an annuity for the territory loss, by the time Indians could not purchase American lands so the treaties did not protect the Indians.
The option <em>Rapid decline of political factions in light of an improving economy</em> is wrong because around 1829-1850 there was great grown with the Market Revolution, the improving of economy was not declined.
They believed in Equal rights and they think all races to be equal and treated with the same respect.