Here is the C++ program:
#include <iostream> //to use input output functions
#include <cstring> // used to manipulate c strings
using namespace std; //to identify objects cin cout
const int SIZE = 20; //fixes constant size for firstName, middleName and lastName arrays
const int FULL_SIZE = 60; //constant size for fullName array
int main() { //start of main method
char firstName[SIZE]; //declares a char type array to hold first name
char middleName[SIZE];//declares a char type array to hold middle name
char lastName[SIZE]; //declares a char type array to hold last name
char fullName[FULL_SIZE]; //declares a char type array to hold full name
cout << "Enter first, middle, and last name: "; //prompts user to enter first name
cin>>firstName>>middleName>>lastName; //reads last name from user, stores it in lastName array
strcpy(fullName, lastName); //copies last name from lastName to fullName array using strcpy method which copies a character string from source to destination
strcat(fullName, ", "); //appends comma "," and empty space " " after last name in fullName using strcat method which appends a string at the end of another string
strcat(fullName, firstName); //appends first name stored in firstName to the last of fullName
strcat(fullName, " "); //appends an empty space to fullName
char temp[2]; //creates a temporary array to hold first initial of middle name
temp[0] = middleName[0]; //holds the first initial of middle name
strcat(fullName, temp); //appends first initial of middle name stored in temp to the last of fullName
strcat(fullName, "."); //appends period
cout<<fullName; } //displays full name
I will explain the program with an example
Lets say user enters Neil as first name, Patrick as middle and Harris as last name. So firstName char array contains Neil, middleName char array contains Patrick and lastName char array contains Harris.
Next the fullName array is declared to store Neil Patrick Harris in a specific format:
strcpy(fullName, lastName);
This copies lastName to fullName which means fullName now contains Harris.
strcat(fullName, ", ");
This appends comma and an empty space to fullName which means fullName now contains Harris with a comma and empty space i.e. Harris,
strcat(fullName, firstName);
This appends firstName to fullName which means Neil is appended to fullName which now contains Harris, Neil
strcat(fullName, " ");
This appends an empty space to fullName which means fullName now contains Harris, Neil with an empty space i.e. Harris, Neil
char temp[2];
temp[0] = middleName[0];
This creates an array to hold the first initial of middle name i.e. P of Patrick
strcat(fullName, temp);
This appends an the first initial of middleName to fullName which means fullName now contains Harris, Neil P
strcat(fullName, ".");
This appends a period to fullName which means fullName now contains Harris, Neil P.
Now cout <<"Full name is:\n"<<fullName<< endl; prints the fullName so the output of this entire program is:
Full name is: Harris, Neil P.
The screenshot of the program along with its output is attached.