The cerebrum controls the higher brain functions such as speech, writing, etc. The cerebellum deals with the involuntary stuff. The other 2 are nowhere near what you are looking for. B - Cerebrum is your answer.
Alveolar walls are thin to enable the quick passage of oxygen in and out of the lungs. The lungs works hand-in-hand with the heart and also is responsible in converting blood that's de-oxygenated into an oxygenated blood that is usable by the organ systems of the body. The alveolar walls are also designed to have thin membranes so that it can expand and constrict quickly allowing us to breather properly.
When a bend in a river gets cut off...
<span>is to regenerate the co enzyme NAD+, so that the glycolysis process can continue to breakdown glucose, produce ATP, and also produce pyruvate for the continuation of the process at the same time in anaerobic conditions when no oxygen is available.</span>
The genetic information of living organisms is sequenced in DNA, which allows inheritable factors to be transmitted with each replication process. Proteins play a very important role by intervening in their metabolism during the translation and transcription of information. .
eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms have different evolutionary sequelae that are reflected in the mechanisms they use for DNA translation, such as in the initial stages, lengthening and termination of sequencing, these differences are imparted by the order of the genes, the ribosome and its structural form and the promoter sequences.
In this way we can conclude that although the eukaryotic genes enter into a bacterium, the type of information that they take may arrive incomplete and this may generate subsequent defects for their operation, but there may be processes that guarantee a better transfer of information with the use of genetic engineering and enzyme management to introduce different bacterial genetic expressions with eukaryotic genes.