The two sentences that use formal language are:
Studies show that student participation in sports has decreased over the past five years.
The best sites on the internet to use for research end in .Edu, .Gov, or .Org.
Informal language is used in general spoken situations and shows a preference for simpler, shorter words, as well as slang words. It conveys the message in a straightforward and personal manner. That is what we have in the sentences " It was an awesome concert, and everyone totally liked being there," "Scientists say they've proven the theory, but the evidence is pretty sketchy," and "Recycling is a great idea because it lets us reuse trash and stuff." <u>The highlighted words are avoided in formal situations.</u>
<u>Formal language, on the other hand, is mostly used in professional and academic situations as well as writing. It takes grammatical correction into consideration, tends to use longer, more complex words, and tends to be more impersonal. That is what we have in "Studies show that student participation in sports has decreased over the past five years" and "The best sites on the internet to use for research end in .Edu, .Gov, or .Org." These sentences do not use slang words and present information in a longer, more structured manner.</u>
The speaker wants his muse to help him immortalize his love.
William Shakespeare wrote many of his poems in the form of a sonnet. In total, he wrote 154 sonnets using the form which we now refer to as the Shakespearean sonnet. It consists of three quatrains and a couplet, its rhyme scheme is<em> abab cdcd efef gg</em>, and the lines are written in a meter called the iambic pentameter.
In Sonnet 100, the speaker speaks to his muse, asking her to help him immortalize his love. He scolds her for leaving him, asking her to rise and return to him. He needs her help. He wants to immortalize his love through poetry, to create something that will remain even after he passes. We can see this in the following line: <em>Give my love fame faster than Time wastes life.</em>
The turning point occurs when they married yo