Jerusalem... in this time period it included regions in northern Egypt (where Jerusalem is) and an extremely small portion on the western edge of the Arabic peninsula, and then in 1020 the empire included Jersulem. Around 1360 the empire expanded yet again to include Rome. Cordoba, to my knowledge, was not ever included in the Empire
So everyone can stay safe and know the laws and rules we have to do
Martin luther had proposed his 95 thesis to the catholic church.
Which ended up getting him excommunicated by the pope. The 95 Thesis explained the true meanings of what the bible truly said, proving the pope to be a liar,cheat and wrong. The pope was telling the people that the way to getting into heaven was by paying the church, and paying money would clear them from their sins. Martin Luther began his 95 thesis conserning these rules. He began to change them into the correct wording. Meaning instead of lying to the people like the pope, Martin wrote the true words of God. One wrote "As long as you have faith in the lord, you are able to enter into the holly lands".