The current population of Oceania is 43,648,503
To reward settlers for their service to the Crown, Spain established the encomienda system. It gave settlers the right to tax local Native Americans or to make them work. In exchange, these settlers were supposed to protect the Native American people and convert them to Christianity.
The anaconda plan harmed the confederacy a lot. By having troops surround the southern ports and the mississippi river, the confederacy was cut off and isolated from the outside world. It was to basically choke and strange the confederacy into submission.
Ideology can be defined as a way of masking or hiding social contradictions and domination, reversing the way of processing thought about some realities.
For Karl Marx, ideas are values that men create according to their material conditions of existence. And these values are created for a very specific purpose, which is not to explain reality but to maintain the status of private property and the owners of the means of production. Hence the notion of Ideology.
According to this way of thinking, reality is constituted by a class struggle caused by the social division of labor. The classes in conflict are those of the owners of the means of production and the proletarians, without property. Thus, to ease conflict and maintain control over the dominated class, the ruling class creates psychological instances, values, and ideas that seek to maintain their goal.
They thought that thier acts were Untrolirataeibalbe