The action of the story concludes and the conflict is solved.
Animals are not treated with dignity and respect in a testing situation.
Linking verbs link the subject to another word that renames or describes the subject.
Examples of linking verbs are: <em>be, become, seem, smell. </em>
For instance, in the sentence <em>Maria will become a doctor</em>, the subject, <em>Maria</em>, is linked to the word <em>doctor </em>which describes her.
Helping verbs are verbs which accompany the main verb and help to either form an interrogative or negative form, or they help in the formation of a tense. Examples of helping verbs are: <em>would</em>, <em>will</em>, <em>can</em>, <em>could</em>.
Action verbs are verbs which describe an action, they describe what the subject is doing, such as <em>run</em>, <em>eat</em>, <em>read</em>.
(Pronoun verbs do not exist as a category of verbs.)
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