a. You record the air temperature every day for a week.
Recording air temperature every day for a week can be classified as making an observation.
Observation is a part of the scientific method. It is a basically a way of collecting data.
- During observation, our senses can be used or instruments.
- Depending on the nature of the study, specialized instruments helps to bridge the limitations of our senses.
- A good scientist is a keen observer.
- Making a record of air temperature usually by using a thermometer is a way of carrying out observation.
When you record air temperature, you are making an observation.
Gram negative bacteria produce virulent factors at host pathogen interface via membrane vessicle trafficking as bacteria outer member vesicle for nutrition, invasion and other cell communication.
The right answer is B.
The purpose of breathing is to do homeostasis, which means, to take CO2 out and get oxygen to our blood.
Babies live into the wound surrounded by liquid, so they don't need to breathe with their lungs.
All the things they needed to survive are taken from the mother thought the placenta.
Environment consists of all living and non-living things which surround us. Therefore, the basic components of the environment are: 1. Atmosphere or the air 2. Hydrosphere or the water 3. Lithosphere or the rocks and soil 4. The living component of the environment or the biosphere II.