James II, also called (1644–85) duke of York and (1660–85) duke of Albany, (born October 14, 1633, London, England—died September 5/6 [September 16/17, New Style], 1701, Saint-Germain, France), king of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 1685 to 1688, and the last Stuart monarch in the direct male line. He was deposed in the Glorious Revolution (1688–89) and replaced by William III and Mary II. That revolution, engendered by James’s Roman Catholicism, permanently established Parliament as the ruling power of England.
<span>Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, and Nat Turner were all slaves in the early 1800's who tried to start slave uprisings, but the only rebellion that was successful and actually resulted in the deaths of whites was the Nat Turner's rebellion in 1831. Gabriel Prosser and Danmark Vesey's uprisings ended in the execution of the leaders and their followers.</span>
Brown and dancing and big
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gods and goddesses who evolved from Chaos and descended from Gaia
The Oklahoma seal is very iconic as there are symbols of the events in history put together to form a seal. The star shape in the middle represents all the regions where the civilised Indians resides and still does.
The symbol of a pioneer and a native Indian clasping hands represents that the territory belongs to the natives and all the other stars also represent the same. The seal is star shaped with different symbols on it.