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A monopolistically competitive firm is one that is in competition with many other firms selling identical but not the same products. A monopolist is a business entity that has dominated the market and is in control of a particular product in the market.
So, the above statement means that "The Beatles," were once in competition with other firms selling products that were similar to theirs. Now, however, "The Beatles" are the only suppliers of the product they sell and are in control of that particular market.
Rectangle to box. A circle is the end of a cylinder while a rectangle is the end of a box. It helps describe the shape.
Rick Riordan's books follow a similar format compared to the Odyssey. First, there is one or more hero(s), who has to complete tasks or finish trials. These books have mythical creatures and elements, adding to the challenges. When this is complete, they can go home, wherever that may be for them.
2. It exclaiming praying and reaching for a higher power for the heart mind and emotions
to be able to hear feel and see powers to help with the emotions and 'pain, sorry exited out and cant get back to the picture if theres pain in it then write the pain part