Gasoline and fat are chemically similar in that they are essentially hydrocarbons
Gasoline and fat are chemically similar in that they are essentially hydrocarbons, or chemical compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen covelently bonded together. "Pure" gasoline is obtained by breaking down and distilling off lower boiling hydrocarbons from crude oil.
The most appropriate way of sharing the results is to publish in a scientific journal for peer review. So the answer is 'B'.
In order to validate your results in the scientific community, it is best to publish in a <em>scientific journal</em> and get it peer reviewed. When the article is peer reviewed, other scientists of <em>higher caliber</em> verify your experiment and results and then give their verdict to the outside world.
Newspapers sometimes also <em>publish rumors</em>. So there is no guarantee what gets published is true. the students are still learning and cannot appreciate the full extent of your work.
There are two structurally and funtionally different surfaces in epithelial tissue.
The outer covering of organs and blood vessels is lined by epithelial cells. These cells also line the inner surface of many cavities in the body.
- Glands are formed of epithelial tissue and divided how they secrete their hormones (Exocrine and Endocrine gland).
- The cells in epithelial tissue are tightly packed.
- One side of cells is free that is not in contact with other cells (outer covering).