These are well known printer types now. Let's review how they work to determine in which does heat plays a role.
inkjet: inkjet printers are printer throwing ink at the paper in the form of little drops. No heat involved here.
impact: That's the oldest technology, where a printing head is moving left and right to punch a printing ribbon and transfer ink onto the paper. No heat involved.
3D: 3D printers don't usually use paper... as they use other materials to create a 3D representation of a model. Heat is involved in the melting of the material before it's placed on the building model. But no paper involved here.
laser: laser printers are working very much like a photocopier machine... memorizing the pattern to be printed, then transferring it onto paper... using heat.
Call showValue (12)
The function is a block of the statement which performs the special task.
if you define the function, then you have to call that function.
Then, program control moves to the function and start to execute otherwise not execute the function.
the syntax for calling the function:
name(argument_1, argument_2,....);
we can put any number of arguments in the calling.
check the options one by one for finding the answer:
Call showValue( Integer): this is valid calling but it passes the variable, not the 12. this is not correct.
Call showValue( Integer 12): This is not valid calling, because it passes the data type as well which is incorrect.
Call showValue( Real): this is valid calling but it passes the variable, not the 12. this is not correct.
Call showValue (12): this valid calling and also pass the value 12.
Therefore, the correct answer is option b.
The main objects of a head frame, or poppet head, are to support the winding pulley firmly and to guide the cage above the surface to the discharging stage.
I don't have one but I hope you get an A.
I hope this helped