The best decision would be to spend the extra money on a computer lab.
This is because the modern economy is largely information based, and therefore, computer based, and computer skills like programming and web developing are well paid and highly demanded in the modern economy.
Students of the school would greatly benefit from the computer lab, and the value that they would obtain from it is likely to be much higher than the cost of the computer lab itself.
The poem "ode to the west wind" Consists of five sections or what we call "cantos". written in Terza rima (an interlocking three-line scheme). Each of the sections consist of four tercets( set or group of three lines of verses that rhyme together).....(ABA,BCB,CDC,DED). And a rhyming couplet (EE) the poem is written in iambic pentameter(a line or verse with five metrical feet).
Do you mean cause? How are the words cause ad brought together alike? Is that what you are asking?