respiration and decomposition
Respiration is when animals breathe in oxygen and use it to produce energy, releasing carbon dioxide and water as by-products. In simpler terms, it is the act of breathing.
The correct is B Hormones are chemical signals between cells transported in blood or hemolymph.
Hormones are called chemical messenger of the cell because they transmit chemical information from one cell to the target cell and regulating the functioning of that target cell by activating specific proteins related to the functioning of that target cell.
Hormone is secreted from its source gland such as Pituitarygland, thyroid gland,adrenal gland.After being secreted hormones are transported via the blood stream to the target cell and binds to receptor of that target cell thus allowing the target cell to exert its biological function.
With the help T cells , B cells make special proteins called antibodies which stick to antigens on surface of germs stopping them in their track.
Answer: It's c
When we need more oksigen our body reacts and make heart to beat more faster so there will be more blood circulating and will compensate the dyoksid carbon that is produce with oksigen