Sentence 4 has the IPV error i just finished my test with 100%.
What is the excerpt talking about in this?
Answer: there is no difference
the amount of money a student has will not affects their intelligence
The second scene lightens the seriousness of scene one.
This question is about "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
In Act 1, we are presented with the difficulties that the couple Hermia and Lysander, although they are in love, cannot be together, because Hermia is promised mating to another man. If Hermia does not marry this man, she must be severely punished and sentenced to death or life imprisonment. Although this part shows a very serious matter, the second scene relieves this feeling, showing the couple's plans to escape Athens, freeing Hermia from this horrible punishment and allowing them to live together.
'Plain english' is a writing style that gets straight to the point, clear, and straightfoward , common in goverment or business and communications.