B. The products of photosynthesis are the reactants of cellular respiration.
Agglutination or clumping occurs when blood that contains the particular antigen is mixed with the particular antibody.
Clumping of blood types takes place thus;
A+ - Agglutination with Anti-A and Anti-Rh. No agglutination with Anti-B.
A- - Agglutination with Anti-A. No agglutination with Anti-B and Anti-Rh.
B+ - Agglutination with Anti-B and Anti-Rh. No agglutination with Anti-A.
B- - Agglutination with Anti-B. No agglutination with Anti-B and Anti-Rh.
AB+ - Agglutination with Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-Rh.
AB- - Agglutination with Anti-A and Anti-B. No agglutination with Anti-Rh.
O+ - Agglutination with Anti-Rh. No agglutination with Anti-A and Anti-B.
O- - No agglutination with Anti-A, Anti-B and Anti-Rh.
A star is formed within the clouds of dust. These clouds of dust are scattered throughout the galaxy. These dust clouds are called as nebula. The turbulence inside the dust clouds rise to form knots. These knots along with sufficient mass causes gas and dust to collapse with the help of gravitational force. These sequence of steps leads to form a star.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
The endoplasmic reticulum is like the highway system because the cell uses the endoplasmic reticulum to move material throughout the cell like people use highways to move throughout the country.
Bees are endangered because of environmental stress. Environmental stress may come from pollution, exposure to lethal amounts of pesticides, and due to scarcity of pollen.