A Map is commonly refered to as a drawing. It shows the direct part of the earth surface from above. There are different types of map. There is the Physcial map that simply shows an individual the landforms and bodies of water in specific areas, Political Map which highlights varous features humans have created such as the boundaries between states, provinces e. t. c. Map helps us to find the shortest route between two places without getting lost.
Cartographers in their designs uses visual hierarchy to highlight( makes bigger) the more important parts of a map and the the ones with little/tiny importance are marked by creating a layering of information that is smaller for them.
Verbatim nd activities" which are "extensive" to the audio have to also be mentioned. Use brackets "[ ]" for notes. The notes are "usually" written in "lower case" irrespective of the position in the sentence.
Complete verbatim captures the spoken phrase exactly as said, including filler phrases, stutters, and fake starts off evolved. smooth verbatim then again captures phrases precisely as said, but enhancing is carried out. clean verbatim corrects for filler words, repeated phrases, and start.
clean verbatim transcription filters the spoken language a bit, as the primary purpose of this kind of transcription is to extract the meaning of what was being said. all through a clean verbatim transcription, filler words pauses, and sounds like coughing or sighing can be not noted..
In Verbatim, only the part of the word this is spoken is written, followed by means of a dash to reveal that it changed into cut off. the following example illustrates coping with fake begins and incomplete words. A: And he hit, he hit my face-, uh, fender. I noticed his veh-, car coming at me.
Learn more about Verbatim here:
Loch Ness monster, byname Nessie, large marine creature believed by some people to inhabit Loch Ness, Scotland. However, much of the alleged evidence supporting its existence has been discredited, and it is widely thought that the monster is a myth.
I think it might be memory performance since that was in the introduction sentence and throughout the paragraph. My second guess would be the brain since much of the paragraph talked about the brain.