This happened since Mongols were nomads, meaning that they didn’t have any home because they were always traveling. This caused a huge expansion, because they were always raiding settlements and stealing food and valuables.
Group of early Americans used and maintained natural resources of environment in a effective way. In this way a group of early Americans adapted to their environment.
In different environment people fit them to cope up with their needs by changing their livelihood pattern (hunting, gathering and fishing) region wise.
Native Americans were very near to the nature. They used to live in forests, grassland and on the banks of rivers. So they know it better to deal with environment and to keep the sustainability at desire level. Native Americans used natural resources at their source points (oil, natural gas).
Their livelihood pattern varies with the change of environment. They used to collect fruits and wood in dense forest. On the bank of the river fishing is the main occupation and farming and rearing practiced in grasslands.
Resistance movements during World War II occurred in every occupied country by a variety of means, ranging from non-cooperation to propaganda to hiding crashed pilots and even to outright warfare and the recapturing of towns. In many countries, resistance movements were sometimes also referred to as The Underground.