The motif of marigolds is juxtaposed to the grim, dusty, crumbling landscape from the very beginning of the story. They are an isolated symbol of beauty, as opposed to all the mischief and squalor the characters live in. The moment Lizabeth and the other children throw rocks at the marigolds, "beheading" a couple of them, is the beginning of Lizabeth's maturation. The culmination is the moment she hears her father sobbing, goes out into the night and destroys the perfect flowers in a moment of powerless despair. Then she sees the old woman, Miss Lottie, and doesn't perceive her as a witch anymore. Miss Lottie is just an old, broken woman, incredibly sad because the only beauty she had managed to create and nurture is now destroyed. This image of the real Miss Lottie is juxtaposed to the image of her as an old witch that the children were afraid of. Actually, it is the same person; but Lizabeth is not the same little girl anymore. She suddenly grows up, realizing how the woman really feels, and she is finally able to identify and sympathize with her.
Question 1
Make inferences about the meaning based on the words around it.
Question 2
Context clues
Question 3
A hidden meaning
Question 4
Someone at a theme park
Question 5
A great number
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
To be involved in a difficult situation
Question 9
Definition context clue
Question 10
Inference context clue
The correct answer is: It is more easily understood by the reader.
When Thomas Jefferson gave the speech on The Declaration of Independence he had appealed to the people by giving them something that's clearly understandable and something that they can agree or disagree to on some degree.
Thomas Paine on the other hand was not specific on the speech and gave jargons and stories that only he and the government can understand and not of the people.
Jefferson's appeal is more effective because he understood the plight and the sufferings of his people, and that freedom is something that all humans can achieve in any society to which they belong to.
A Biblical allusion is using an expression from the bible, but not directly quoting from it.
hope this helps