Answer: what school do you go to?
This text:
Although his name is well known, dew know the facts surrounding the curious childhood of this gifted author.
Is a 2. transition
The reasons backing this answer are:
First conclusions always summarize the elements provided and stand out a finish statement of the author's perspective. Second, Introductions always present the topic, the perspective of the author, and the reason behind the presentation of the information. In our case, we only see information about a certain idea and contrasted it with the opposite, therefore it is a transition.
<span>The first reference would be....
“When thou passeth through the waters I will be with thee, and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee,” Isaiah, 43:2. This is a verse she alludes to when they cut some dry trees, to make rafts to carry them over the river: and soon her turn came to go over: By the advantage of some brush which they had laid upon the raft to sit upon, she did not wet her foot (which many of themselves at the other end were mid-leg deep) which cannot but be acknowledged as a favor of God to her weakened body, it being a very cold time. She was not before acquainted with such kind of doings or dangers. “When thou passeth through the waters I will be with thee, and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee,” Isaiah, 43:2. A certain number of us got over the river that night, but it was the night after the Sabbath before all the company was got over. On Saturday they boiled an old horse’s leg which they had got, and so we drank of the broth, as soon as they thought it was ready, and when it was almost gone, they filled it up again.</span>
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