The Industrial Revolution is an era of technological advancements in the united States. It led to Americans moving to cities to work in factories to manage the machines in factories. The Northwest region was important because the Transcontinental Railroad made is possible for Americans to move out west. The California Gold Rush also took place during this period. However, the heart of the Industrial Revolution took place in the Northeast because the many rivers were used for water power in the factories. Also, the soil is poor in New England, so farming was difficult and not a large industry like it was in the South. It has a lasting impact today because he revolutionized the American economy and caused a massive wave of immigration.
The answer is option D.
Majority rule government, in present day utilization, has three detects just for an arrangement of government where the nationals practice control by casting a ballot. In an immediate majority rules system, the subjects all in all shape an overseeing body and vote straightforwardly on each issue. In a delegate majority rule government the residents choose agents from among themselves. Basically, a delegate majority rule government is an arrangement of government in which every qualified national vote on agents to pass laws for them. An ideal model is any nation, where we choose a president and individuals from the Congress. Two of the most well-known types of just government are immediate popular government and agent majority rules system. In an immediate majority rules system, residents are specifically required with making laws, and in a delegate vote based system, nationals choose agents who make laws for their benefit.
A problem could've been that the Soviet Union took more than they should've. This could cause tension and lead to a war.
In Sparta, boys were trained to be warriors at age 7.
Rwanda genocide happened in Rwanda, 1994