This newspaper claims that there is a $50,000 reward for something. This is a very convincing appeal, and people would likely buy the newspaper in order to discover how they can earn the reward. However, this is simply a trick to attract readers, as the reward is metaphorical. It is a device used to comment on how the Maine (a ship) was thought to have been destroyed by the Spanish.
Every additional three and a half bales meant an additional field-hand, so that in round numbers 1,400,000 more were employed in the cotton-fields in 1860 to produce 5,400,000 bales than to produce the 450,000 bales of 1820.
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Según Yuval Harari, ampliar la colaboración de los seres humanos y quebrar el umbral de los primeros agrupamientos humanos se logró a través de lo que ella llama "la revolución cognitiva," que según sus investigaciones, sucedió hace cerca de 70 mil años. Pare ella, una mutación en el cerebro del Homo Sapiens convirtió a esta especie en un ser inteligente, capaz de realizar tareas poco convencionales para la época. Dentro de esas habilidades, las cognitivas y las de comunicación; es decir, razonar y expresarse, es lo que nos convirtió en lo que somos hoy en día.
Yuval Harari es una autora y maestra Israelí, que escribió el exitoso libro "<em>De Animales a Dioses. Breve Historia de la Humanidad."</em>
The Red Scare from WWI was the widespread fear of far-left extrematism.
The Red Scare from WWII was more extreme. Many of the accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs, although most did not in fact belong to the Communist Party.