A is False. Sugar crops were just like any other crop that required hard
work from slaves. It was so hard that they often chose to get beaten
instead of working because they considered it to be worth it. That's why
sugar plantation owners started thinking of various ways to get slaves
to work that didn't involve physical abuse.
B is True. The sugar
produced came from sugar cane which grew easily in the climate where the
Portuguese land owners lived. They could grow a lot of it and export it
all around the world, from the Americas to Europe and back. That's why
they needed many slaves.
C is false. European people traded with
Africans as far back as the roman Empire. This was mostly in the north
of Africa but the kingdoms in the south like Mali were known worldwide.
When people started looking for India around the south of Africa, they
established tradings posts along the way.
D should be false.
Sugar had to be extremely secure when transported to Europe because it
is sugar and we all know how easily it melts in water. If anything
happened to it then entire earnings could be lost and this would be
detrimental for both consumers and producers.
E is true.
Everyone wanted sugar and wanted to control sugar productions. That's
why there were many incentives for even those who became free to start
their own colonies somewhere in order to produce sugar. Places in the
South America never seemed to produce enough.
F is false.
Portuguese laborers did not work on plantations. Plantations had workers
that were slaves and those who were indentured slaves from all around
the world. The workers worked elsewhere and found other jobs or they
found their own plantations.
Full question:
PARRIS, to the point: Abigail, is there any other cause than you have told me, for your being discharged from Goody Proctor's service? I have heard it said, and I tell you as I heard it, that she comes so rarely to the church this year for she will not sit so close to something soiled. What signified that remark?
The effect of this interaction in the cruciable?
Parris began to doubt the rumors about Abigail
Parris began to believe the rumors about Abigail
Abigail began to make false accusations against others
Abigail began to come clean about her false accusations
Parris began to doubt the rumors about Abigail
After Parris saw the young ladies danced in the forest, Parris started to believed that black magic might exist in his own family unit. This create a fear inside him. He feared that his good reputation among townsfolk might be destroyed if the townsfolk saw that his girl and niece could be related to the villain that created the black magic.
Prior to this, there's a rumor around the town that Abigail was engaging in witchcraft. He heard rumors that Abigail did something that is similar to his girl at this point. He refused to believe that his girl is engaged in witchcraft. So , He created a justification in his head that Abigail might not be doing witchcraft after all. She must be doing some other things that created the suspicion.
The Agricultural Revolution was a time of transition between hunting and gathering to the domestication of plants and animals, so there were no "cities" in the traditional sense. The benefit of farming, however, was that you could raise enough crops to feed your family and to trade and/or sell.
Purpose was to : To search for gold