Receptor specificity Physical energy such as light, sound,
and heat is detected by specialized receptor cells in the sense
organs—eyes, ears, skin, nose, and tongue. When the action potential that
relays information about the stimulus through the nervous system to the brain. Sensory
receptors take in information from the environment, creating local electrical
currents; These currents are graded.
17. D) Hypothesis
18. Not accurate but it is precise
19. D) precision
20. A) quantitive observation
21. B) Control
22. Volume.
hope this helps!
Energy changes forms from heat, to kenetic, to potential energy. However, the total energy is the atmosphere is conserved, meaning energy can only change forms, but cannot be produced.
Have prominently segmented bodies...have jointed appendages
Your circulatory system consists of your heart, blood vessels and blood, and is responsible for transporting life-giving oxygen throughout your body. When you exercise, your body's need for oxygen increases; the harder you work out, the more oxygen your body demands.