The rule of law is a very important principle for any democracy. The rule of law is a principle that establishes that the laws of a country come from a legal corpus established by societal consensus, instead of emanating from the will of a single person, like in a monarchy or a tyranny, or a small group of people, like in an oligarchy.
The rule of law ensures that even the democratic rulers of a country have a series of prohibitions, and a set of boundaries to their power. The rule of law is therefore crucial for democracy, and without it, it is very difficult to be in democratic terms anymore.
Didn't let me send text so here is a png hope i hellpled
the difference between a child development and a adult development is that a child development entails the biological psychological and emotional changes
To start with, I've seen Samantha and Samandhi. And Samadhi Sutta, which interestingly discusses tranquillity and insight ( samatha and vipassana ).
There's another sutta which says that samatha and vipassana are paired qualities - samatha gets rid of passion, vipassana gets rid of delusion ( I'll see if I can find it ). Note that samatha is a quality, not a method.