Sons of liberty- a group started by paul revere to get back at england
Repeal- to cancel
Smggler- a person who brings things into the country illegally
Hi the answer is either
The age depends on the sloth for a place to grow
The sloth depends on the trees for food and shelter
Hope it helps will help next time too.
Manchester encoding is a form of digital encoding (or a data modulation technique) in which data bits alternate from high to low or low to high in equal manners. It also allows data senders to easily synchronize with the receiver. Manchester encoding is introduced for security of data and fast transmission.
The American Indian groups or Native Americans had no idea of money and no economies, not until the European immigrants introduced it to them. Even though a lot of time has passed when they were introduced to the ideas of economy and money, a lot of them declined the use of money as they believed that money is evil in nature.