Answered below.
This answer is applicable to Linux.
There are several commands for copying files in Linux. cp and rsync are the most widely used. cp though, is the command used to copy files and their contents.
To copy a file named report1.txt to another file named report1uc.txt in the current directory, the following command is run.
$ cp report1.txt report1uc.txt
You can change the case of the strings in the file by using the tr command.
tr [:lower:] [:upper:]
For example,
$ echo brainly | tr [:lower:]. [:upper:]
Result is BRAINLY.
running in the 90 s intensifies
See explaination
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
// Fill in the code to define payfile as an input file
ifstream payfile;
float gross;
float net;
float hours;
float payRate;
float stateTax;
float fedTax;
cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << showpoint;
// Fill in the code to open payfile and attach it to the physical file
// named payroll.dat"payroll.dat");
// Fill in code to write a conditional statement to check if payfile
// does not exist.
cout << "Error opening file. \n";
cout << "It may not exist where indicated" << endl;
return 1;
ofstream outfile("pay.out");
cout << "Payrate Hours Gross Pay Net Pay"
<< endl << endl;
outfile << "Payrate Hours Gross Pay Net Pay"
<< endl << endl;
// Fill in code to prime the read for the payfile file.
payfile >> hours;
// Fill in code to write a loop condition to run while payfile has more
// data to process.
payfile >> payRate >> stateTax >> fedTax;
gross = payRate * hours;
net = gross - (gross * stateTax) - (gross * fedTax);
cout << payRate << setw(15) << hours << setw(12) << gross
<< setw(12) << net << endl;
outfile << payRate << setw(15) << hours << setw(12) << gross
<< setw(12) << net << endl;
payfile >> hours ;// Fill in the code to finish this with the appropriate
// variable to be input
return 0;
1. <span>The Joint Photographic Experts Group developed the jpeg graphic format.
2. </span><span>It is important to include the alt attribute of the tag because some people use text-only Web browsers. </span>
When you print handouts, the presentation is printed with one or more slides on each piece of paper. When you print handouts, it's best to have the presentation printed on them for those who can not view the presentation clearly to follow along with. This also serves as a great tool for people who missed the presentation to receive a handout later or for those there to take home and review.