name = input("Enter your name: ")
num1 = int(input("Hello "+name+ ", enter an integer: "))
num2 = int(input(name+", enter another integer: "))
if num1 % num2 == 0:
print("The first number is divisible by the second number")
print("The first number is not divisible by the second number")
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("The first number is not divisible by the second number")
if num2 % num1 == 0:
print("The second number is divisible by the first number")
print("The second number is not divisible by the first number")
except ZeroDivisionError:
print("The second number is not divisible by the first number")
import random, math
num1 = float(input("Enter a small decimal number: "))
num2 = float(input("Enter a large decimal number: "))
r = round(random.uniform(num1, num2), 2)
print("The volume of a sphere with radius " + str(r) + " is " + str(round(((4 / 3) * math.pi * (r ** 3)), 2)))
I hope this helps!
yes there is an answer to this question
7 is true
8 <span>
the user preference settings</span>
using the cover page gallery
This is certainly the easiest way. And you just need to add this as first page, set the borders, pagination, headers and footers from second page, and avoiding the first page as it is the cover page as well as customize the various section of the cover page design you choose.
Inserting a blank page will require a lot of effort.
Inserting pictures will not result into a complete and a meaningful cover page.
Same is the case if you insert shapes.
hope it helps :)
The answer should have been B, what was the answer?