The best description of chromosomes by the end of metaphase 2 of meiosis is that they are lined up in the middle of the cell. You can help remember this by thinking of the "M" in metaphase as middle. this is because in this phase the chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the cell.
Enfermedad que se desarrolla lentamente, pudiendo durar mucho tiempo o incluso el resto de la vida de una persona. Un ejemplo es la artritis.
Tipo de glóbulo blanco o leucocito que fabrica unas sustancias llamadas anticuerpos, muy importantes en nuestras defensas.
Enfermedades que llevan a la muerte
Las diez enfermedades más misteriosas
La causa del alzhéimer todavía es desconocida. Las investigaciones suelen asociar la enfermedad con la aparición de placas seniles y ovillos neurofibrilares. ...
Resfriado común.
Gripe aviar.
Enfermedades autoinmunes.
This is called the G1 phase I'm sure.
large grain sizes, more precipitation, warmer temperatures.
Soil is the thin layer of material covering the earth's surface and they are usually formed through the process of weathering of rocks. The soil consists of mainly mineral particles, organic materials, air, water and living organisms and they interact with each other.
Large grain sizes, more precipitation, warmer temperatures are the factors that increase the rate of soil formation.