Hitler reoccupied and remilitarized Rhineland
Location simply describes where a place is on a map whereas meaning is more complex. ... A sense of place then, refers to those meanings which are associated with a place. Place can be applied to any scale: from a particular room in a building to a country or region which rouses shared feelings in people.
The statement is true
When young adolescents plays violent video games, it predisposes their mental vigour to better self coordination, sound reasoning, emotional stability and social alertness. When these features are in check in the behavioural pattern of a young adolescent, it reduces emotional stress and worries on such adolescent which could lead to anger easily.
Again by carrying out the features mentioned above, an adolescent build confidence and courage by repositioning their mental confidence amidst odds and challenges and therefore does not perceive the world as dangerous but safe for fun
The Elect are chosen for heaven and the Reprobate are chosen for hell.
John Calvin born on the 10th of July, 1509 was a French pastor, reformer and theologian during the times of protestant reformation in Geneva, Switzerland.
John Calvin was a calvinist because he preached a doctrine that was later known as calvinism.
In his work titled "Institutes of the Christian Religion." he stated that, all human beings are wicked and weak; thus, no matter what, only those who were predestined would be privileged to go to heaven.
Basically, the doctrine of calvinism known as predestination emphasizes that, God has chosen or selected some people to be destroyed eternally and others to be saved (go to heaven). Also, those people who have been predestined for eternal destruction cannot be saved even by their good works.
Hence, John Calvin preached the concept of Predestination which states that, The Elect are chosen for heaven and the Reprobate are chosen for eternal destruction.
War threatened civilians lives