The order must be K2→K1, since the permanently active K1 allele (K1a) is able to propagate the signal onward even when its upstream activator K2 is inactive (K2i). The reverse order would have resulted in a failure to signal (K1a→K2i), since the permanently active K1a kinase would be attempting to activate a dead K2i kinase.
- You characterize a double mutant cell that contains K2 with type I mutation and K1 with type II
- You observe that the response is seen even when no extracellular signal is provided.
- In the normal pathway, i f K1 activat es K2, we expect t his combinat ion of two m utants to show no response with or without ext racell ular signal. This is because no matt er how active K1 i s, it would be unable to act ivate a mutant K2 that i s an activit y defi cient. If we reverse the order, K2 activating K1, the above observati on is valid. Therefore, in the normal signaling pathway, K2 activates K1.
the mass of the products in a reaction is always <span>the total </span><span>mass of the reactants</span>
I believe it is “animals and plants caanot directly use all the nitrogen found in our atmosphere”
Chromosome mutations can result in changes in the number of chromosomes in a cell or changes in the structure of a chromosome. Unlike a gene mutation which alters a single gene or larger segment of DNA on a chromosome, chromosome mutations change and impact the entire chromosome. Key Takeaways: Chromosome Mutations
The size of endotracheal tube that should be used to intubate a new born with an estimated gestational age of 26 weeks is 2.5 mm (internal diameter). An endotracheal tube serves as open passage through the upper airway. The purpose of endotracheal intubation is to permit air to pass freely to and from the lungs inorder to ventrate the lungs.