Can you edit the question and put the text in because I don't know the story off the top of my head
Increased trade for silver from South America contributed to inflation and unrest.
Hardy New World vegetables were grown in previously barren land.
Answer:Leaders of both cultures controlled the local economy.
The relationship of the Aztecs and Cortez was a fake bond, the Aztecs believed that he was a god that came to earth to fulfill a prophecy, he realized it and played off this fantasy so he could get close and then strike them. When Cortes returned to the city he found out that his men mass murdered the Aztecs at a religious ceremony. The Aztecs were angered at this so they fought back. During this outbreak, he was hit in the head by a rock and died. The relationship between the Incas and Pizarro was like the relationship between the Aztecs and Cortez. He befriended them for a short time and struck down the Incas when he had the opportunity. Pizarro scheduled a meeting with the Incas and killed them all in an hour in an ambush. Cortez had a huge impact, he helped explore Mesoamerica and conquered the Aztecs in the name of Spain, this gave an incentive to explore North America and Pizzaro conquered the Incas in the name of Spain and gave an incentive to explore the Andes. In both cases, the natives lost much of their native culture, they became subordinated people, they were exploited for their labor. Both of them were a symbol of imperialism. Spain profited from both explorers once they took natural resources from these places and enslaved natives.
In philosophy, economics, and political science, the common good (also commonwealth or common weal) is a term of art, referring to either what is shared and beneficial for all or most members of a given community, or alternatively, what is achieved by citizenship, collective action, and active participation in the realm of politics and public service.