The first evidence of deforestation was observed in a period known as the Mesolithic Period. Scientists find evidence of past episodes of deforestation by examining pollen records. The primary cause of ancient deforestation is to clear land for agriculture. Deforestation is the widespread removal of trees and forested areas that can lead to serious environmental issues such as soil erosion and Flooding.
Answer: Sumptuary laws (from Latin sumptuāriae lēgēs) are laws that try to regulate consumption. Black's Law Dictionary defines them as "Laws made for the purpose of restraining luxury or extravagance, particularly against inordinate expenditures for apparel, food, furniture, etc." Historically, they were intended to regulate and reinforce social hierarchies and morals through restrictions on clothing, food, and luxury expenditures, often depending on a person's social rank.
England Could not be defeated is something most colonists believed. After all, if it was not for the support of the French, the United States probably would have been a British colony for quite some time.
The Colonies needed the protection of British Troops- Who else is going to help protect America from foreign invasion.
<span>The cost of independence would be too high in human lives.
Many colonists relied on Britain for imports such as paper, glass, tea.
the New England Colonies elected their own legislature, they were all democratic, governor's court, and a court system. The government systems used by the New England Colonies were Royal of Charter
C. Garry's Way,s hope this is what schools are asking now