Mandela means that someone who decides to take someone else's freedom is prjudiced and narrowminded. He can not be free if he takes away someone else's freedom just as a person who does not have freedom.
A person who takes away someone else's freedom is not free.
- Personality inventories
'Personality Inventories' are described as the kind of questionnaires that the researchers employ to assess the personality traits among the respondents who fill it. It assists them in evaluating the distinct type of personalities possessing different social, behavioral, emotional, cultural, encouraging traits and having varied strengths and defects where they lag behind.
As per the given details, since Raman believes that these traits have been consistent over time irrespective of the variations in the circumstances and they can be mesaured, he would most probably employ these 'personality inventories'(questionnaires) to substantiate his claim. These <u>questionnaires would help him in assessing the validity of his belief by evaluating people's personality traits as filled in by them</u>.
The Cuban Missile Crisis was the situation that led to The Bay of Pigs; it the crisis being that Soviets armed Cuba with missiles. The Bay of Pigs was a failed attempt on the US's part to invade (and reclaim) Cuba to stop the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Relevant; comparison
The comparison question test (CQT) posits that guilty individuals react more strongly to Relevant questions, whereas innocent individuals react more strongly to comparison questions.
The comparison question test (CQT) is one of the several questioning technique used in polygraph test, it designed to make comparative responses to relevant question with those of control questions i.e control for the effect of generally threatening nature of relevant question.
Making use of CQT assumes that physiological measures while lying will be greater than physiological measure while telling the truth. An innocent individual who is telling the truth react to comparison questions more than relevant question because these questions are design to arouse the subject concern about their past truthiness