Explanation: Honestly its better being a child because you have to worry about the major responsability and the amount of stress we creat and have to deal with everyday
Boyle provides enough information to trace the sequence of events (logos), which allows you to understand how untrustworthy the narrator truly is (ethos) and to feel the terrible impact his careless and irresponsible actions had on the people of Borneo (pathos).
Teachers are smart, so change some words to avoid plagiarism. :)
The objective point of view observes the story objectively, from the absolute outside of any characters’ heads, feelings, and knowledge. This POV is also called cinematic because of its similarity to movies, in which you can see what’s going on and hear what’s said, but you can’t see what any of the characters are thinking or feeling.
broooo i give up lol i even tried looking up definitions to help but its way too much work ahaha
Because Mercutio badmouths the nurse with impunity, calling her ugly and mocking her appearance with relish