In the exposition of the short story "Three Skeleton Key" written by George G. Toudouze, the Narrator works on the island called Three Skeleton Key. The island got its name since three men a couple years ago tried escaping from Cayenne on a small, stolen canoe. Later they died of hunger and thirst. So, the Narrator works with two other men in a lighthouse by the names of Le Gleo and Itchoua. Late one night, the three men were working in the lighthouse, and they saw a ship sailing towards the island, but it wasn't stopping, it was headed straight towards the island. "Are they drunk, are they insane?" exclaimed Itchoua. Then they realize that there is no crew on board and no one is controlling the ship. Also, there are a bunch of rats on the ship that are huge. A couple hours later, the ship crashes in the reef by the island and sinks in the sea. They are relieved to see the rats gone, but then they start swimming back up to the surface and towards that island. The rats swim up to the shore of the island and the three men run into the lighthouse. The rats start climbing up the lighthouse and try biting through the walls. The three men are stuck inside the lighthouse for days.
1.Refuse to wear masks (If this is too debatable I can change it)
2. Say crude things
3. Vandolies
Skimming, Because she is just looking through it looking for only keywords and not studying for what shes supposed to be studying for basically.
Newspeak, doublethink, and The mutability of the past
1. Newspeak. Newspeak is the official language of all party members, as the purpose is to eliminate all thoughtcrime.
2. Doublethink. Doublethink is very common amongst the Party, and quoting from CliffNotes, “doublethink is the act of holding, simultaneously, two opposite, individually exclusive ideas or opinions and believing in both simultaneously and absolutely. Doublethink requires using logic against logic or suspending disbelief in the contradiction.” The three slogans inside the novel, “War is Peace,” “Freedom is Slavery,” and “Ignorance is Strength,” are all examples of doublethink.
3. The mutability of the past. As Orwell writes in the beginning chapters III and IV, Winston encounters in his memory that Oceania actually allianced with Eurasia and fought against Eastasia, yet all broadcasts of the party suggests that Oceania had always done the vice versa. Also, he and his comates have had no memory of Big Brother until very lately, yet documentations have stated that Big Brother has been influencing Oceania since the 1930s.