To describe the Veterans' Day to someone who has never heard of it, I would share the following information:
1. Veterans' Day started after the first world war in 1919.
2. In 1926 the US Congress passed a resolution for this celebration to be held annually in May.
3. Veterans' Day celebrates both the living and the dead veterans, but especially gives thanks for the living ones.
4. Veterans' Day is different from Memorial Day, which remembers the dead veterans.
5. There are many millions of veterans in the United States.
The above information is chosen to give a historical perspective to the Veterans' Day celebration. The information also differentiates the veterans' day from the memorial day. The information is given to emphasize the all-inclusive nature of the veterans' day, unlike the memorial day.
a general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific cases.
Inference can be defined as the process of drawing of a conclusion based on the available evidence plus previous knowledge and experience. In teacher-speak, inference questions are the types of questions that involve reading between the lines.
Patriotism has immense power to accomplish awe-inspiring accomplishments. Patriotism fills the people of a nation with limitless zeal and enthusiasm. All the advanced nations that enjoy all-round development, technological superiority, and economic prosperity, owe their prosperity to the hard work, dedication, and perseverance of their patriotic people.
In the past when the Space Race between the USSR and the USA started, it was sheer patriotism of the Americans that fired them to land manned moon missions on the Moon and get an edge over their rivals. Who can forget the catastrophic tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Japan was devastated by the nuclear tragedy and its aftermath. However, the patriotic Japanese people worked day and night to pull their country of the darkness. As a consequence of their patriotism, Japan is one of the most developed nations of the world.
All the great nations such as America, France, U.K., Germany, Japan, South Korea, China, Russia that have stable economies, best of infrastructures, best of technologies, are the nations whose people are highly patriotic. All this development, prosperity, and advancement were made possible by the industrious citizens of these nations.
In conclusion, it can be said patriotism is a must for the growth and development of a nation.
yeah i think its noun phrase.